Bien-être autiste

“You can be happy with being autistic or miserable about being autistic. I’ve tried both. I choose happy. ”

– Autistic adult

“We have found through our clinical experience that acceptance of a positive autistic identity is associated with greater happiness and well-being. Often being discovered as autistic gives a sense of vindication and validation, opens the door to self-understanding, and gives permission for the person to stop masking and to embrace their authentic self. Past difficult social experiences and the struggle to feel understood suddenly make sense with the lens of autism. The person no longer feels defective, and can now celebrate their differences, including the strengths and qualities that come with autism. They can feel self-compassion for the struggles they have had to face as a minority group in a society that does not understand autism. They can be part of the positive changes represented by the neurodiversity movement.”

Tony Attwood & Michelle Garnett

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